domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


In the past years Puerto Rico have alot of racism. The people should treat everyone equally. Stop saying offensive things of people that are not there color. That is a bad habit because people can get offended and can get in depresion and can comit suicide. 
In Puerto Rican the discrimination have to STOP!. The people should start orientating other people and help people that are depress because of that. Some people think that calling names is something funny and not offensive. This need to stop, they should give another punishment for that situation. They have law but the people do not follow it. I propose that the people that make offensive comment should automatically be in jail for a week and paid a huge penalty. When they get out go for 3 month to get orientation. For they people that get offended or depress the government should give the best help for them, because of that many people are commiting suicide and getting devorce.
For a better island Puerto Rico should change. In my opinion the people should think before talking and realize that we are all equal. I dosen't matter your skin color or were do you come from. So this is a wake up call Puerto Rico. STOP!
My Amendments
- The police should put in jail for a week and they should also pay a penalty.
-Puerto Rico should be more orrientated

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


The Puerto Rican past was very cruel, alot of discrimination and to much preference. Now there is less but, it is still here. For the Puerto Rico the present is better than the past. The Puerto Rican hope that in the future every thing stop and bring things new for a better Puerto Rico.
In the past Puerto Rico did not have any freedom of speech. Now the women have the right to vote and can speak for thereself. Also the Puerto Rican can have a license to posses arms at there home. In the past they did not have any right except for certain people. In some court now there is justiced but, other put money down the table so they can be free. In past years there they accused them without having any proof, i guessed that there is more justiced now then the past years. The lawyers can take a case knowing that his witness is guilty and need to defend them, knowing that there witness is guilty. In the past the black people do not have the right to vote. Now everybody is welcome to vote without being any discrimination or any law to denied it. In Puerto Rico since last year they put taxes like in the United States. Past Years there was no taxes in Puerto Rico at all. Everybody work there is less farmers now that in the past years. Any citizen that have 18 or more have the right to vote but, in the past there were not allow to vote.
The things in Puerto Rico are better but the past hasn't completely gone. The major thing that change was the right to vote. That there is less discrimination and more job opprtunities. Now the United States help us alot economically.
Amendment 1: Rights of freedom of religion (prohibits establishment of one religion over another by law, practicing religion freely), freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of press.
Amendment 2: Right to possess arms.
Amendment 5: Prohibits trial for a crime except on indictment of a Grand Jury and double jeopardy, prohibits punishment without legal procedures and taking away of private property without adequate compensation
Amendment 9: Assures the recognition of those rights that people may have but are not listed here.
Amendment 12: Specifies the procedure for electing the president and the vice-president of the US separately by ballot votes
Amendment 15: The citizens' right to vote shall not be denied by the states or the federal government on the basis of race, color or previous status of servitude
Amendment 16: Authorizes the federal government to collect taxes on income without apportionment
Amendment 19: Establishes that the citizens' right to vote shall not be denied on the basis of their gender or sex
Amendment 24: Prohibits the non-payment of poll tax or other tax as a basis of denial of the right to vote
Amendment 26: Prohibits the federal government or the state from denying any citizen who is 18 years or above, the right to vote.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Struggle and Activism

The Puerto Rican Struggle alot with economic issues. Most of the Puerto Rican mayor econmic system were agrarian. For them to eat they need to use the system of plantation and know about farming to grow there crops. At that time the Puerto Rican live in rural areas.
 The majority of Puerto Rican families during this time lived off of subsistence farming, which meant they grew crops for personal consumption and local trade. Once Puerto Rico became a territory of the United States, the island fell prey to capitalist corporations that quickly moved in. The small farms were sold to those companies, leaving the Puerto Ricans without work and no way to support themselves.Puerto Rico remains a very poor country plagued by unemployment and low wages. The standard of living of the Puerto Rican working class, although among the highest in Latin America, remains significantly lower than that of the U.S. working class.Public hospitals are understaffed and overcrowded. The government’s current plans to privatize dozens of public health clinics will only make matters worse. In Puerto Rico the poor people struggle alot because the doctors they accept healthcare for there convinience. They are firering people of there job bacause in Puerto Rico there is no money. That is why many people are robbing and doing things against the laws.
The governor need to make a change in Puerto Rico because many people are depressed and doing things against the law. The United States should help Puerto Rico more and give to them more benefits. The people that are fire should never give up and keep looking for jobs.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011


There are many oppression in Puerto Rico, but the worst of all is the violence. Many families are destroy because of the violence. To many husband killing there wife for infidility and many UPR student being abusse by the police.
Every day 52 women are victim to domestic violence in Puerto Rico. Most of them is because they have being unfaithful to there husbands. There have being this year 100 UPR student arrested. Many of theme abuse by the police. At the University of Puerto Rico, female students many of whom were beaten, were also sexually harassed, grouped and touched by police.The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico last week confirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals of Puerto Rico that found that a woman who suffers violence at the hands of an intimate partner with whom she is having an extramarital affair is not entitled to the same protection of law as a woman who is abused by her husband.This appalling decision sends a wrong message to society and women, and represents a step backward in the fight to end domestic violence.
          In Puerto Rico this is a big problem they should orientate more the people of these situation. For a better Puerto Rico they should stop abusing of womens and be in peace. PUERTO RICO STOP THE VIOLENCE!

martes, 5 de abril de 2011


Puerto Rico is a self-governing commonwealth in association with the United States. The governor is elected and it also have two legislative chambers.Puerto Rico has authority over its internal affairs.There officials language are Spanish and English.

In 1943 during his second voyage, Christopher Columbus landed in Puerto Rico.In 1508 the Spanish government appointed Juan Ponce de León the first governor of the island, under this command the original settlement was relocated to a nearby coastal islet and named Puerto Rico. National Congress for Puerto Rican rights is a membership, activist, grassroots organization dedicated to securing full equality and end the discrimination againts Puerto Ricans.Approximately 100,000 Dominicans now live in Puerto Rico, of whom about 30,000 are thought to be undocumented illegal immigrants.No other sector of Puerto Rico's population has grown as quickly over the last four decades.1.4% of total United States Stateside population.Puerto Rico came under the United States by the Treaty of Paris signed on December 10 1898 terminating the Spanish American war. Puerto Ricans have been US citizens since 1917. Product manufactured for Puerto Rico are made in USA.They are represented in Congress by a Resident Commissioner but they can not vote.No all taxes are levied in Puerto Rico.

The Puerto Rican are every were. Puerto Rico relationship with the US is referred to as commonwealth status. In Puerto Rico there are 3.8 million people and the resident live in substantial middle -class.

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

My Opinion:)

I enjoy reading and at the same time learning about life in the resorvation asa Native American. The Native Americans moving to the resorvation was injustice because they obligated need to get use to the life of the White people. The Picture was very impresive. I look at the picture, and i can not believe that they do that to them.

His writing was very detail and enjoyable. The White people in the assimilation were like Native American you follow our cuture or you be enemies. they also change there names and needed to forget there own culture. that is very sad they are useto to be a way and they they are forcing them to change it.

I like alot your blog because is similar to my blog. The Whites were very liars and what everyone to think that the Native Americans were very bad people. Is bad to Native Americans to get useto to other culture and ways of living.

His blog have alot of information.Is true that they get along before but, when the White people wanted more land there it began the conflict. Other fact is that almost everything is stereotype. I enjoy reading this blog it had alotof information.

Interesting information here. The Native American were first in the Americans and then the Whitepeople came. They being first in there they wanted there land and force them to do what they want. This blog have alotof interesting factanditwas fun to read.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

The Whites accused Native Americans, but in fact they were the liars

The Whites and the Native Americans have there own difference ways of living. The whites live like there are the kings of everything and the Native Americans live in poor places like tribes. All the whites like to discriminate people that are no there same skin color as them for example the Native Americans. The Whites tourture alot the Native Americans, like hanging them, taking away there freedom and attacking them.
It all started in the 1800's some Native Americans lived in communities as farmres and hunters.The Native Americans share there land and the whites say that they did not own nothing. As among various other peoples, men's work has been largely separate from women's work. Women usually took responsibility for the care of young children and the home, and for the cultivation of plants, while men frequently hunted, traveled for trade, or worked as laborers. They said that the Native Americans were known as no stile but the Indians were peacefully and friendly. Most live in extended family groups and believed in spiritual power of the natural world. The Native Americans resisted by attacking wagon trains, stagecoaches and ranches.
The White people say that the Native Americans were arrogant but the true is that the whites wanted the Indinas out. The cause of these problem is the racism. The white teachers teach the student that the Native Americans were very bad people. Sitting Bull wanted to be the chief of the Native Americans and George Cluster say that Sitting Bull will be like the others Native Americans. Ulysses believed that the Native Americans should be in the resorvation so they could be civilized.
The White people form of tourturing is by hanging them. The White painted beautiful the situation but the true is that there was no freedom and taking the land of the Native Americans. They lie about the Native Americans were attacking the White people but it is the other way the Whites attack the Native Americans. General Sherman want to take the land of the Native Americans. In the contrast the Native Americans fought back and won and killed General Cluster. All theese lies ended in 1890.
According to what i know about the White people and the Native Americans the white people were very bad people with no feelings. They tourture alot the Native Americans with no reason, only because they are another skin color. The Indians were very good people. In my opinion those White people that tourture and killed the Native Americans should pass throw that same experience as the Native American did.

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Blog Refections


I think that Karlitza blog is very interesting. I agree with her disagreements of the immigration. I also think that they should take back the law of only talking english. She have very interesting facts like, people should be treated equal. The best part of these blog is her personal opinion and the videoclip.


First of all the background is very cool. I think that paola heritage story is very interesting and that her last names were decedent farmers. Her picture are very impresive.  In the videoclip i agree with her in all! People should not be discriminated.


Katherine blog  love love love it.... the videoclip was very cool, much of interesting fact. Very good stories to read. I also agree with her in alot of things. Finally is very creative.


Very intersect blog. The picture are very cool . Alot of information with very cool facts. i like the videoclip alot. i think that is was very interesting.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

An immigrant Ancestors

My Grandfather was an immigrant from Mexico. In Mexico there is so mucho poperty and there family do not have to much resourses to maintain there 5 childrens. My grandfather could not work because he was very sick. He was the biggest of his four brothers and decided to immigate to the United States.
He immigrated to the United States when he was 15 years old. He get to the United States in the back of a train. To get into the train he needed to pay $500 and he work and steal to get the money.When the day came my grandfather say good-bye to his family. He promise to his family that will come back for them. But he never say good-bye to his mother because she think that it was a bad idea. He was very scare that something could happen to him.
 He get out of Mexico at 11:00pm feeling that all will be alright. With him in the train there were 3 womens, 2 childrens and 3 mens and me. He when threw a desert , but he could not clarify it. Then i see 8 holes to be exact, and i feel that something was not ok. He was in the correct it was a trap. The train stop and we start walking. While he was walking someone was hiding and started to shot them. My Grandfather started running , he fall and he was injured in a leg. They were saying that he was dead. When the men go away he started running and i he the only survivor.
That was the worst experience for him. He think that it was it for him. But he said that god did not what him i heaven yet.  


In this videoclip is saying that if you want to be able to be an American citizen you need to pay some fees. The immigrants think that is too much money. To become an American citizen it is not easy. They come to the America to make money and they are taking the money from them. I think the topic is very serious an nobody do something to make it better. Immigrant are having alot of trouble to get into the United States because if they do not have paper they do not get in. Without papers you are illegal. I think that the government should cosidered more the immigrant that only want to go to America for an easier life and give them more opportunity.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Germans Immigration

Hei I'm Juliet Miller, i was born and raise in Germany. I open my eyes to the world in October 2 1765. I  immigrated to the United States for the past 20 years. I prefer the United States because in Europe there is to much political issues.
I get out of my country because i was really bad economically and i knew that the United States was a good opportunity. Not everyone can get easily to the United States. I arrived to United States in boa,it is was like forever. I life in the countryside, and i work in a factory. There were other things to do in the entrepreneurs such as bakers, butchers, cabinetmakers, cigar makers, distillers, machinists, and tailors also could be found in abundance in these "Miniature-Germany" towns. We the womens work on hotel keepers, laundry worker, nurse, saloon keepers...
In 1850 there was a division because not all Germans get along and it was divide in three groups Germans, German- Americans and others. I as a German immigrant identify myself as as Bavarians, Württembergers, Saxons, and so on. My religion is Protestant and Lutheranism. I as a Lutherans, emigrated to evade the forced unification of the Lutheran and Reformed churches in Prussia.
My dream for was  the debt-free ownership of a farm. But i needed about $500 to acquire implements, cattle and seed grains, as well as food that would last until the first harvest. for the mid 1886 i tried to to buy up land in their own vicinity for their siblings and children in order to be able to farm together for several generations. I was in any given period were those in the skilled crafts. I as a German women was less frequently employed outside the home, but the influence of their work on the farm was all the greater.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

The German in the the United States

The Germans immigrated to the United States because they have more job opportunities and religious freedom. The economy status was really bad. One reason was the development of mechanized manufacturing of goods. Increasing industrialization and the use of machines to perform tasks previously done by manual labor threatened cottage industries and drove many individuals to the city in search of employment. Unfortunately, the cities quickly became overcrowded and the availability of jobs there also declined, forcing some people to return to their homes in the rural areas or to migrate to the United States.

The part of Minnesota were Germans settle primarly was in Dakota Land, and it was taken through a treaty process but the United States end that treaty. Settlement societies, such as the Turner Colonization Society, also advertised to Germans the benefits of immigrating to certain parts of the United States. The Germans get to the United States in boat.

The problem with the German unity was that the old Germans pride one form and the new Germans pride another way. It affect them religiously because one was Protestant and the other were Lutheranism. Many Germans work on iron, electronics, machine tools, cement, coal......

I would feel bad if i need to immigrate to other country but if it is better for me i do it. It is very sad because sometimes they do not want you to bring your family but immigrating, you have a better jobs opportunities and you can send them money to your family from were you are.

Germans Immigrants!