jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

An immigrant Ancestors

My Grandfather was an immigrant from Mexico. In Mexico there is so mucho poperty and there family do not have to much resourses to maintain there 5 childrens. My grandfather could not work because he was very sick. He was the biggest of his four brothers and decided to immigate to the United States.
He immigrated to the United States when he was 15 years old. He get to the United States in the back of a train. To get into the train he needed to pay $500 and he work and steal to get the money.When the day came my grandfather say good-bye to his family. He promise to his family that will come back for them. But he never say good-bye to his mother because she think that it was a bad idea. He was very scare that something could happen to him.
 He get out of Mexico at 11:00pm feeling that all will be alright. With him in the train there were 3 womens, 2 childrens and 3 mens and me. He when threw a desert , but he could not clarify it. Then i see 8 holes to be exact, and i feel that something was not ok. He was in the correct it was a trap. The train stop and we start walking. While he was walking someone was hiding and started to shot them. My Grandfather started running , he fall and he was injured in a leg. They were saying that he was dead. When the men go away he started running and i he the only survivor.
That was the worst experience for him. He think that it was it for him. But he said that god did not what him i heaven yet.  

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