lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

The German in the the United States

The Germans immigrated to the United States because they have more job opportunities and religious freedom. The economy status was really bad. One reason was the development of mechanized manufacturing of goods. Increasing industrialization and the use of machines to perform tasks previously done by manual labor threatened cottage industries and drove many individuals to the city in search of employment. Unfortunately, the cities quickly became overcrowded and the availability of jobs there also declined, forcing some people to return to their homes in the rural areas or to migrate to the United States.

The part of Minnesota were Germans settle primarly was in Dakota Land, and it was taken through a treaty process but the United States end that treaty. Settlement societies, such as the Turner Colonization Society, also advertised to Germans the benefits of immigrating to certain parts of the United States. The Germans get to the United States in boat.

The problem with the German unity was that the old Germans pride one form and the new Germans pride another way. It affect them religiously because one was Protestant and the other were Lutheranism. Many Germans work on iron, electronics, machine tools, cement, coal......

I would feel bad if i need to immigrate to other country but if it is better for me i do it. It is very sad because sometimes they do not want you to bring your family but immigrating, you have a better jobs opportunities and you can send them money to your family from were you are.

Germans Immigrants!

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