domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Blog Refections


I think that Karlitza blog is very interesting. I agree with her disagreements of the immigration. I also think that they should take back the law of only talking english. She have very interesting facts like, people should be treated equal. The best part of these blog is her personal opinion and the videoclip.


First of all the background is very cool. I think that paola heritage story is very interesting and that her last names were decedent farmers. Her picture are very impresive.  In the videoclip i agree with her in all! People should not be discriminated.


Katherine blog  love love love it.... the videoclip was very cool, much of interesting fact. Very good stories to read. I also agree with her in alot of things. Finally is very creative.


Very intersect blog. The picture are very cool . Alot of information with very cool facts. i like the videoclip alot. i think that is was very interesting.

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