jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


The Puerto Rican past was very cruel, alot of discrimination and to much preference. Now there is less but, it is still here. For the Puerto Rico the present is better than the past. The Puerto Rican hope that in the future every thing stop and bring things new for a better Puerto Rico.
In the past Puerto Rico did not have any freedom of speech. Now the women have the right to vote and can speak for thereself. Also the Puerto Rican can have a license to posses arms at there home. In the past they did not have any right except for certain people. In some court now there is justiced but, other put money down the table so they can be free. In past years there they accused them without having any proof, i guessed that there is more justiced now then the past years. The lawyers can take a case knowing that his witness is guilty and need to defend them, knowing that there witness is guilty. In the past the black people do not have the right to vote. Now everybody is welcome to vote without being any discrimination or any law to denied it. In Puerto Rico since last year they put taxes like in the United States. Past Years there was no taxes in Puerto Rico at all. Everybody work there is less farmers now that in the past years. Any citizen that have 18 or more have the right to vote but, in the past there were not allow to vote.
The things in Puerto Rico are better but the past hasn't completely gone. The major thing that change was the right to vote. That there is less discrimination and more job opprtunities. Now the United States help us alot economically.
Amendment 1: Rights of freedom of religion (prohibits establishment of one religion over another by law, practicing religion freely), freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of press.
Amendment 2: Right to possess arms.
Amendment 5: Prohibits trial for a crime except on indictment of a Grand Jury and double jeopardy, prohibits punishment without legal procedures and taking away of private property without adequate compensation
Amendment 9: Assures the recognition of those rights that people may have but are not listed here.
Amendment 12: Specifies the procedure for electing the president and the vice-president of the US separately by ballot votes
Amendment 15: The citizens' right to vote shall not be denied by the states or the federal government on the basis of race, color or previous status of servitude
Amendment 16: Authorizes the federal government to collect taxes on income without apportionment
Amendment 19: Establishes that the citizens' right to vote shall not be denied on the basis of their gender or sex
Amendment 24: Prohibits the non-payment of poll tax or other tax as a basis of denial of the right to vote
Amendment 26: Prohibits the federal government or the state from denying any citizen who is 18 years or above, the right to vote.

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