martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Struggle and Activism

The Puerto Rican Struggle alot with economic issues. Most of the Puerto Rican mayor econmic system were agrarian. For them to eat they need to use the system of plantation and know about farming to grow there crops. At that time the Puerto Rican live in rural areas.
 The majority of Puerto Rican families during this time lived off of subsistence farming, which meant they grew crops for personal consumption and local trade. Once Puerto Rico became a territory of the United States, the island fell prey to capitalist corporations that quickly moved in. The small farms were sold to those companies, leaving the Puerto Ricans without work and no way to support themselves.Puerto Rico remains a very poor country plagued by unemployment and low wages. The standard of living of the Puerto Rican working class, although among the highest in Latin America, remains significantly lower than that of the U.S. working class.Public hospitals are understaffed and overcrowded. The government’s current plans to privatize dozens of public health clinics will only make matters worse. In Puerto Rico the poor people struggle alot because the doctors they accept healthcare for there convinience. They are firering people of there job bacause in Puerto Rico there is no money. That is why many people are robbing and doing things against the laws.
The governor need to make a change in Puerto Rico because many people are depressed and doing things against the law. The United States should help Puerto Rico more and give to them more benefits. The people that are fire should never give up and keep looking for jobs.

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