domingo, 17 de abril de 2011


In the past years Puerto Rico have alot of racism. The people should treat everyone equally. Stop saying offensive things of people that are not there color. That is a bad habit because people can get offended and can get in depresion and can comit suicide. 
In Puerto Rican the discrimination have to STOP!. The people should start orientating other people and help people that are depress because of that. Some people think that calling names is something funny and not offensive. This need to stop, they should give another punishment for that situation. They have law but the people do not follow it. I propose that the people that make offensive comment should automatically be in jail for a week and paid a huge penalty. When they get out go for 3 month to get orientation. For they people that get offended or depress the government should give the best help for them, because of that many people are commiting suicide and getting devorce.
For a better island Puerto Rico should change. In my opinion the people should think before talking and realize that we are all equal. I dosen't matter your skin color or were do you come from. So this is a wake up call Puerto Rico. STOP!
My Amendments
- The police should put in jail for a week and they should also pay a penalty.
-Puerto Rico should be more orrientated

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