domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Blog Refections


I think that Karlitza blog is very interesting. I agree with her disagreements of the immigration. I also think that they should take back the law of only talking english. She have very interesting facts like, people should be treated equal. The best part of these blog is her personal opinion and the videoclip.


First of all the background is very cool. I think that paola heritage story is very interesting and that her last names were decedent farmers. Her picture are very impresive.  In the videoclip i agree with her in all! People should not be discriminated.


Katherine blog  love love love it.... the videoclip was very cool, much of interesting fact. Very good stories to read. I also agree with her in alot of things. Finally is very creative.


Very intersect blog. The picture are very cool . Alot of information with very cool facts. i like the videoclip alot. i think that is was very interesting.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

An immigrant Ancestors

My Grandfather was an immigrant from Mexico. In Mexico there is so mucho poperty and there family do not have to much resourses to maintain there 5 childrens. My grandfather could not work because he was very sick. He was the biggest of his four brothers and decided to immigate to the United States.
He immigrated to the United States when he was 15 years old. He get to the United States in the back of a train. To get into the train he needed to pay $500 and he work and steal to get the money.When the day came my grandfather say good-bye to his family. He promise to his family that will come back for them. But he never say good-bye to his mother because she think that it was a bad idea. He was very scare that something could happen to him.
 He get out of Mexico at 11:00pm feeling that all will be alright. With him in the train there were 3 womens, 2 childrens and 3 mens and me. He when threw a desert , but he could not clarify it. Then i see 8 holes to be exact, and i feel that something was not ok. He was in the correct it was a trap. The train stop and we start walking. While he was walking someone was hiding and started to shot them. My Grandfather started running , he fall and he was injured in a leg. They were saying that he was dead. When the men go away he started running and i he the only survivor.
That was the worst experience for him. He think that it was it for him. But he said that god did not what him i heaven yet.  


In this videoclip is saying that if you want to be able to be an American citizen you need to pay some fees. The immigrants think that is too much money. To become an American citizen it is not easy. They come to the America to make money and they are taking the money from them. I think the topic is very serious an nobody do something to make it better. Immigrant are having alot of trouble to get into the United States because if they do not have paper they do not get in. Without papers you are illegal. I think that the government should cosidered more the immigrant that only want to go to America for an easier life and give them more opportunity.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Germans Immigration

Hei I'm Juliet Miller, i was born and raise in Germany. I open my eyes to the world in October 2 1765. I  immigrated to the United States for the past 20 years. I prefer the United States because in Europe there is to much political issues.
I get out of my country because i was really bad economically and i knew that the United States was a good opportunity. Not everyone can get easily to the United States. I arrived to United States in boa,it is was like forever. I life in the countryside, and i work in a factory. There were other things to do in the entrepreneurs such as bakers, butchers, cabinetmakers, cigar makers, distillers, machinists, and tailors also could be found in abundance in these "Miniature-Germany" towns. We the womens work on hotel keepers, laundry worker, nurse, saloon keepers...
In 1850 there was a division because not all Germans get along and it was divide in three groups Germans, German- Americans and others. I as a German immigrant identify myself as as Bavarians, Württembergers, Saxons, and so on. My religion is Protestant and Lutheranism. I as a Lutherans, emigrated to evade the forced unification of the Lutheran and Reformed churches in Prussia.
My dream for was  the debt-free ownership of a farm. But i needed about $500 to acquire implements, cattle and seed grains, as well as food that would last until the first harvest. for the mid 1886 i tried to to buy up land in their own vicinity for their siblings and children in order to be able to farm together for several generations. I was in any given period were those in the skilled crafts. I as a German women was less frequently employed outside the home, but the influence of their work on the farm was all the greater.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

The German in the the United States

The Germans immigrated to the United States because they have more job opportunities and religious freedom. The economy status was really bad. One reason was the development of mechanized manufacturing of goods. Increasing industrialization and the use of machines to perform tasks previously done by manual labor threatened cottage industries and drove many individuals to the city in search of employment. Unfortunately, the cities quickly became overcrowded and the availability of jobs there also declined, forcing some people to return to their homes in the rural areas or to migrate to the United States.

The part of Minnesota were Germans settle primarly was in Dakota Land, and it was taken through a treaty process but the United States end that treaty. Settlement societies, such as the Turner Colonization Society, also advertised to Germans the benefits of immigrating to certain parts of the United States. The Germans get to the United States in boat.

The problem with the German unity was that the old Germans pride one form and the new Germans pride another way. It affect them religiously because one was Protestant and the other were Lutheranism. Many Germans work on iron, electronics, machine tools, cement, coal......

I would feel bad if i need to immigrate to other country but if it is better for me i do it. It is very sad because sometimes they do not want you to bring your family but immigrating, you have a better jobs opportunities and you can send them money to your family from were you are.

Germans Immigrants!