viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

My Opinion:)

I enjoy reading and at the same time learning about life in the resorvation asa Native American. The Native Americans moving to the resorvation was injustice because they obligated need to get use to the life of the White people. The Picture was very impresive. I look at the picture, and i can not believe that they do that to them.

His writing was very detail and enjoyable. The White people in the assimilation were like Native American you follow our cuture or you be enemies. they also change there names and needed to forget there own culture. that is very sad they are useto to be a way and they they are forcing them to change it.

I like alot your blog because is similar to my blog. The Whites were very liars and what everyone to think that the Native Americans were very bad people. Is bad to Native Americans to get useto to other culture and ways of living.

His blog have alot of information.Is true that they get along before but, when the White people wanted more land there it began the conflict. Other fact is that almost everything is stereotype. I enjoy reading this blog it had alotof information.

Interesting information here. The Native American were first in the Americans and then the Whitepeople came. They being first in there they wanted there land and force them to do what they want. This blog have alotof interesting factanditwas fun to read.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

The Whites accused Native Americans, but in fact they were the liars

The Whites and the Native Americans have there own difference ways of living. The whites live like there are the kings of everything and the Native Americans live in poor places like tribes. All the whites like to discriminate people that are no there same skin color as them for example the Native Americans. The Whites tourture alot the Native Americans, like hanging them, taking away there freedom and attacking them.
It all started in the 1800's some Native Americans lived in communities as farmres and hunters.The Native Americans share there land and the whites say that they did not own nothing. As among various other peoples, men's work has been largely separate from women's work. Women usually took responsibility for the care of young children and the home, and for the cultivation of plants, while men frequently hunted, traveled for trade, or worked as laborers. They said that the Native Americans were known as no stile but the Indians were peacefully and friendly. Most live in extended family groups and believed in spiritual power of the natural world. The Native Americans resisted by attacking wagon trains, stagecoaches and ranches.
The White people say that the Native Americans were arrogant but the true is that the whites wanted the Indinas out. The cause of these problem is the racism. The white teachers teach the student that the Native Americans were very bad people. Sitting Bull wanted to be the chief of the Native Americans and George Cluster say that Sitting Bull will be like the others Native Americans. Ulysses believed that the Native Americans should be in the resorvation so they could be civilized.
The White people form of tourturing is by hanging them. The White painted beautiful the situation but the true is that there was no freedom and taking the land of the Native Americans. They lie about the Native Americans were attacking the White people but it is the other way the Whites attack the Native Americans. General Sherman want to take the land of the Native Americans. In the contrast the Native Americans fought back and won and killed General Cluster. All theese lies ended in 1890.
According to what i know about the White people and the Native Americans the white people were very bad people with no feelings. They tourture alot the Native Americans with no reason, only because they are another skin color. The Indians were very good people. In my opinion those White people that tourture and killed the Native Americans should pass throw that same experience as the Native American did.